Encounter with a Healer

Balance and Connectedness - A modern healer, with a time-honoured approach

I could talk about how many years experience Yvette has in the healing arts or I could talk about what she does in an Acupuncture session or Traditional Chinese Medicine consultation, or I could talk about how many accreditations Yvette holds to her name, of which there are many. But I won’t… well not yet anyway. I’d much rather take the time to firstly talk about her, the person.

Yvette has an exuberance and raw contagious energy of someone who grew up as a wild child of the 80’s, she has naturalness that is ageless and when it comes to healing, an almost six sense if you will - as she prods and pokes and checks your pulse with the tips of her fingers. Her modest demeanour is the façade to a deeply intelligent and passionate woman, who has spent a lifetime pursuing her fascination with the human body. And if that wasn’t enough, Yvette’s warmth and genuine approach instantly makes you feel comfortable in her presence.

My first encounter of ninety minutes left me feeling like I’d just reconnected with my physical and emotional self. There were many acupuncture needles but it was the one acupoint in my solar plexus that brought it all home. After three and a half years of poor and interrupted sleep with intermittent mild anxiety - and who’s not suffering from anxiety or depression these days?  I went home and that night… finally found some rest.

‘Would you like some facial rejuvenation acupuncture? natural botox,’ It helps with sagging skin, fine lines, bags and skin vibrance’ She had me at sagging skin.

‘Madonna, Cher and Gwyneth Paltrow have all spoken glowingly in public about it. Prince William and Diane Lane are rumoured to be converts, and there are even specialist clinics in London devoted exclusively to the practice of cosmetic acupuncture. Sometimes referred to as "acupuncture facial rejuvenation" or "the acupuncture facelift’ (Deitz, 2016 MyBody+Soul)

At the end of my first session with Yvette I found myself spontaneously saying the words ‘You’re a healer’ like I’d come face to face with a Vedic Yogi.

And after several more session, I’ve had much much deeper sleep and my skin is glowing. Needless to say, I’ll definitely be back for more.

If it’s important for you to know the stats, then here they are. Yvette studied massage from the age of 17 and continued to grow her skills in this area of healing, taking up residence in Thailand, Japan, China and India to broaden her knowledge in the field. Whilst in Japan she also studied Japanese Acupuncture and after a 20 year stint in India running her own business and teaching yoga, Yvette found herself back in Australia to complete her Degree in Health Science Acupuncture.

Yvette is not only great at helping you sleep better or giving you sag-less skin, but she has also had many success in the following areas:

1. sports injuries

2. musculoskeletal disorders

3. acute or chronic pain (lower back, shoulders, neck, arms, legs)

4. insomnia, stress, headaches, migraines

5. gastrointestinal conditions

6. women's health