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Posts in Community
Why Self-Care needs to be part of your Ritualistic Rhythm, not just as a Reward

I have viewed the “lockdown” as a locking in of new ways of being on a deep level. On a level that perhaps I might have prolonged that little bit longer in the busy-ness of life…. So, what this year has taught me most is self-love and self-care on speed dial. In this month’s blog, I have shared some of my heartfelt rituals that saw me through these unparalleled times.

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Telehealth - Why Virtual Health Is the New Kid On The Block

Even if we cannot have a physical treatment with our favourite therapist we still want to feel that reassurance, comfort and advice from a professional who knows us, who knows our thoughts and feelings as well as our bodily aches and pains. During these uncertain times we want that someone to virtually have us in their hands.

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Why going plant-based (or, plant-first) really isn’t as scary as it sounds.

As we all come face to face with the reality of climate change and the advocacy so many of us are getting behind, it’s no wonder that plant-based eating is taking the limelight in 2020 as a wellness and environmental movement to jump on board with.

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New year, new you - a good reason to do less (without the guilt)

This year we are taking stock of our hormonal health and weaving in more mindful meditation, mental health days and rehab focused fitness. It really is the ticket to optimum health and wellness in 2020!

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When Little Rituals Have Big Meaning

We all instinctively have little rituals we perform throughout the day - things that centre us and ultimately, become habitual in our day to day. For so many of us, we conduct these with very little consciousness - it could be said, it is our subconscious attempting to ground us in the daily mess of life.

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Spring Is Here... & So Is Your Spring Clean!

After what felt like a much cooler winter than years gone by, we are finally come out from hibernation and basking, once again, in the glorious Sydney sunshine (in our SPF50 no less). After weeks (and months) spent indoors, there is a good chance your skin, much like ours, is feeling a little dry and perhaps a little irritated, your lymphatic system is moving at a snail's pace (yes, colds, headaches and a whole lot of other wonderful ailments have struck) and perhaps, even, your jeans are a little more snug than they were just a little while ago. So with the sun beaming once again, now is the perfect time for a spring clean… of the mind, body and soul kind.

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How To Prep For Your Spring Clean (and we're not talking about for your house).

With spring right around the corner, it’s safe to say we are now well and truly yearning for a spot of warmer weather. While we have had glimpses of days that comprise almost wholly of sunshine, blue skies and birds chirping, these are swiftly intercepted by below 18 degrees cold snaps (yes - in Sydney that is a cold snap), grey skies and a call, once again, to haul out our winter best (just when you thought you could slip back into sandals and some linen).

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Your New Favourite Facial Has Landed at MO+.

When something ticks all three of the below boxes for us, we know we are onto something pretty special:

1. Good for you? Tick!
2. Makes you look like a million dollars aka gives you ‘glowing holiday skin’? Tick!
3. Sends you into a trance like state of pure relaxation? Tick!

So without further ado, we would like to formally introduce you to the newest wellness offering at MO+ (drum roll please)... our Remedial Facial Sculpting.

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We Or Me? Finding Ourselves In This World Of “Wellness”.

For some time now, as I flick through my social feed, I see pictures of young boys and girls laying inside infrared saunas, spending their time at Bondi Beach doing yoga or posting recipes on veganism with endless hashtags on self-love, soul care and wellbeing. I find myself asking “do we live in an age where people truly have an understanding of what it means to be well, without dis-ease or stresses. Or is it purely the age of me-ism?”.

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